How Our Client Eliminated His Electricity Bill To $0

How Our Client Eliminated His Electricity Bill To $0

It’s no secret that electricity outages are a regular occurrence in Mackay. Whether it’s caused by weather or system failure, there’s almost always a looming fear that you’ll have to spend the night without power.

But what if you could have a solution that not only saves you money on electricity bills but also ensures that you never have to worry about outages again?

Meet Tony, our client who did just that.

Tony had an existing 6.6kw solar system installed in his home, which helped him reduce his reliance on grid power and save money on his electricity bills.

But he wanted more.

He knew that in order to be completely self-sufficient, he needed a battery system that could store the excess solar energy produced during the day for nighttime usage and provide power during an outage.

That’s where we came in.

We specialise in solar power and battery systems, and we helped Tony install an additional 6.6Kw Solar System with a 9.6Kw battery system.

The new system meant that Tony could store solar energy, and in the event of an outage, the battery would kick in, providing him with uninterrupted power. But that’s not all.

Tony also received $71.46 in credit thanks to the Queensland Solar Scheme, which meant that he didn’t have to pay for any electricity in his last bill and is now in credit for his next bill.

Here’s what Tony said:

“Hi Jack… continued from the message above… plus here is more good news. We received another electricity statement with NIL to pay… which of course is great and is what we set out to achieve… see attached statement… this also shows that as we know since the upgrade and battery, our power from grid usage has dropped heaps. I see we get a $75 solar scheme rebate… which more than offsets the electricity grid 90 cents per day service access fee. However, I don’t understand yet how it is we feed into the grid heaps more than the $75 rebate worth of power… plus I am keen to learn how the QLD solar power tax that comes into effect 1st of July 2025 will effect us… I might phone the retailer and ask them… perhaps once we receive the additional two battery modules this month then we ca consider disconnecting from the grid altogether… is that something you would do personally at your place?

Cheers Tony”

In summary, Tony had an existing 6.6Kw solar system which helped him to reduce his electricity bill. We installed an additional 6.6Kw solar system with a 9.6Kw battery system, which now means that Tony is now in credit each month of $61.53 and is extremely happy.

Keep reading to see how Solar Power can benefit you!

Here are the 6 benefits of installing solar power to your home or business:

  1. Save Money on Your Electricity Bills: Solar power can drastically reduce your monthly electricity bills, making it a cost-effective option for homeowners and businesses alike.
  2. Increase Your Home’s Value: Solar panels are a valuable investment and can increase your home’s value when it comes time to sell.
  3. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Solar energy is clean and renewable, making it an environmentally friendly option that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and supports a sustainable future.
  4. Energy Independence: By generating your own power, you’re no longer reliant on the grid and can avoid the uncertainty of energy price fluctuations.
  5. Net Metering: Most states offer net metering programs that allow you to earn credits for excess solar energy you produce, which can be applied to future energy bills.
  6. Government Incentives: Many governments offer incentives for installing solar panels, including tax credits or rebates, making it a more affordable option for customers.

The Queensland government has implemented a range of solar incentives aimed at increasing the uptake of solar energy by households and businesses. The state government’s Solar Homes and Communities Plan provides eligible households with a rebate towards the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Furthermore, businesses can claim up to $3,000 for each kW of installed capacity.

Additionally, the Office of Clean Energy also offers businesses interest-free loans of up to $250,000 to fund energy-efficient equipment, including solar PV systems. The government’s Solar for Schools initiative provides grants for up to $1 million for schools to install solar PV systems, improving their sustainability and reducing energy costs. These incentives are part of the state government’s wider renewable energy commitments, which aim to generate at least 50% of Queensland’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

A solar power and battery system might seem like an expensive investment, but the benefits quickly outweigh the costs. With electricity prices projected to rise over 30% this June, having a solar power and battery system can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. The upfront cost might seem daunting, but the return on investment is significant.

But it’s not just the financial benefits that make a solar power and battery system worthwhile. It’s the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ll never have to worry about losing power again. With a battery system, even if the grid goes down, you’ll still have power. This means that you can sleep comfortably, knowing that you’re not completely reliant on the grid.

If you’re interested in reducing your reliance on grid power and taking control of your electricity bills, then it’s time to consider a solar power and battery system. SnapSolar specializes in designing and installing systems that are tailored to your specific needs. They assess your energy usage, your roof space, and your budget to create a system that’s perfect for you.

The benefits of a solar power and battery system are undeniable. They help you save money, reduce your reliance on grid power, and provide you with uninterrupted power during outages. Tony’s story is just one example of how a solar power and battery system can change your life. So why wait? Contact our SnapSolar specialists today and take the first step towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

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