Ep 2: The Latest Range of Solar Batteries and What You Need to Know!

Ep 2: The Latest Range of Solar Batteries and What You Need to Know!

Jackson Wyer is joined by Jordan Pearson this week to talk about the latest range of Solar Battery Storage they have in stock at the SnapShack. Learn about Tesla, BYD, Q CELL and Sungrow battery storage!

Jackson: Hey, what’s up guys, welcome back to Snapchat. Today, we’re over at the Snap Shack, and we’re gonna go through our latest range of available batteries for your home on the market today.

Jackson: Joined with our new recruit, Jordan, who’s an expert in the field of BYD. So with recent trends in the market, we’ve seen an upswing in the installations of battery systems with solar systems.

Jackson: The reason for this is obviously changes in the market, high electricity prices and unsurety in the market. More and more people are trending towards having a battery fitted to their home. Today we’re gonna dive into the products that we offer and some of the AC and DC solutions available for your home.

Jackson: So guys, some key things that you wanna know before dipping your toe into inquiring about batteries is AC coupling and DC coupling. To keep things really simple Guys, all AC coupling means is that your inverter is built into your battery system.

Jackson: Now everyone’s familiar with Elon Musk and the iconic brand of Tesla. Tesla’s, uh, power War II solution is what we consider an AC coupled battery system. So basically what that means, guys, is that the inverter unit is built in to the battery system. 

Jackson: But why does any of that matter? Will affect the solar system’s size that you put on your home and potentially the design that you go with.

Jackson: Speaking in regards to the Ergon network and in North Queensland Net Network, we have a restriction of 10 KVA per phase. So what does that mean for your battery system? The 10 KVA per phase ruling affects your battery system design because we are only allowed a 10 kilowatt inverter capacity per phase.

Jackson: A Tesla Power Wall two has a rating of a five-kilowatt inverter capacity. So realistically that means we can only couple an extra five-kilowatt solar onto the system. This ruling makes expansion of the unit difficult. It means that we’re only able to run a five kilowatt inverter and going off our 33% over dimension. A 6.6-kilowatt solar system is technically the largest solar system that we can install with the Tesla Power Wall 2. That’s why it’s really important to be dealing with a company that understands the restrictions and regulations around your solar design and the implementation of what battery design you choose to go with.

Jackson: Cause we can direct you whether AC coupling or DC coupling is the best solution for your home. But guys, for all of you Elon Musk fans out there, don’t let this deter you from the great product that’s out there. The Tesla Power Wall 2, it’s a rock-solid product, It has some really smarts about it, you’ve got some good integrated apps and monitoring software available for this unit, and let’s face it, It has to be one of the sexiest batteries available on the market.

Jordan: I disagree. This is the sexiest battery there is on the market. This is BYD’s dc stackable solution. Not only is it robust, it’s stackable, so we can simply add more batteries. So this is important because not only do we have to be limited with the amount of batteries you’ve first purchased, we can add batteries on later on down the line. BYD, If DC coupled, it means you can be more flexible with your designs and will be a great system for any home solar. 

Jackson: Another great solution for your home is a Q Home Core. The Q Home Core is a sleek battery solution for homeowners that have pre-existing solar or wish to go battery with new solar systems.

Jordan: So also another great stackable solution, sun grows DC coupled battery system also stackable. So not much difference between these two, apart from this one comes at a slightly better price point, both amazing battery solutions for any home.

Jackson: Alright guys, that wraps up the Snap Solar battery range for 2023.

Jordan: If you wanna find out about the sexy BYD battery.

Jackson: or if you wanna find out more about Tesla hit us up in the link below. More than happy to answer any of your battery inquiries or battery questions. Thanks for watching!

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